Yemen: At least 1,528 civilians were killed and 3,605 injured in Yemen between 26 March and 3 July. Over the past few weeks, our team has documented human rights violations and abuses by all parties to the conflict, including violations of the right to life, abduction, ill-treatment, attacks against humanitarian workers, medical staff and facilities, as well as journalists and media organisations. We are also deeply worried about increasing attacks against places of worship, points to an alarming trend aimed at creating sectarian divisions. We urge all sides to the conflict to ensure that international human rights law and international humanitarian law are respected, and to ensure that all feasible measures are taken to ensure civilians are protected.
Ankum Singh Chauhan
Mob- +91-8439575552
President Kanpur Mandal (Youth Wing)
National Human Right Protection Institution
Mob- +91-8439575552
President Kanpur Mandal (Youth Wing)
National Human Right Protection Institution
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